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Editors Note

Welcome to Social Expat, we hope you enjoy our site!

Our simple promise to you is to provide a better platform for expatriates; a place where you can learn about Indonesia, find useful links, stay on top of the local news, interact with other foreigners, get reliable advice, have some fun and above all else – meet other likeminded expats through fun networking events.

When building Social Expat, every effort was made to provide a place that truly encompasses expatriate needs. We compared predecessor websites from around the world, we asked expatriates what they wanted from an expatriate platform and we used our own experiences to create a complete website, unlike anything that has ever come before.

We are proud to be different, unapologetic in our desire to be the best and thrilled to facilitate a platform that brings people from all over the world together.

If you have any ideas how we can be better, have questions about life in Indonesia, need advice, or would like to be part of our team, then feel free to contact us at: indonesia@socialexpat.net

On behalf of Social Expat, I would like to say a huge thank you for visiting us and we look forward to meeting you soon. Social Expat: Bringing People Together.

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