Retirement KITAP


Imagine spending your golden years in the vibrant and welcoming embrace of Indonesia. The Retirement KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap) makes this dream a reality, offering a  secure and extended path to residency for eligible retirees.

Overview of Retirement KITAP

The Retirement KITAP is a special visa designed for foreign nationals aged 55 and above who wish to settle in Indonesia for their retirement. This prestigious visa grants you several benefits, including:

  • Live in Indonesia for up to five years with a single visa.
  • Enjoy the freedom to travel in and out of Indonesia with ease.
  • You are permitted to hire a domestic helper to assist with daily life.

Who is eligible to apply for a Retirement KITAP in Indonesia?

To qualify for the Retirement KITAP, you must meet the following criteria:

  • 60 years or older at the time of application.
  • Provide proof of sufficient financial means through either:
  • Pension Fund Statement (minimum USD 1,500 monthly)
  • Bank Statements (showing an equivalent amount)
  • Proof of property ownership in Indonesia valued at a specified minimum amount
  • Hold valid health or life insurance covering your stay in Indonesia.
  • Must have held a Retirement KITAS for at least the past four years.

How long will a Retirement KITAP be valid, and how many times can it be extended?

The initial Retirement KITAP is valid for five years. There is no limit to the number of times you can extend the KITAP, providing you continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

Is a Retirement KITAP extendable?

Yes, the Retirement KITAP is extendable in five-year increments, as long as the holder remains eligible.

The Benefit of Applying for a Retirement KITAP?

Navigating Indonesian immigration procedures can be complex. Using a trusted visa agent like LetsMoveIndonesia offers significant advantages:

  • Our experienced agents have deep knowledge of the latest regulations ensuring a smooth process.
  • We provide tailored support, addressing your individual circumstances and needs.
  • We handle the paperwork and bureaucracy, saving you valuable time and stress.


Still have questions about Indonesia Immigrations? Get in touch with our trusted visa agent partner, Lets Move Indonesia for more in-depth information!

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