the new president

KPU Officially Declares Prabowo-Gibran as the New President of Indonesia for 2024-2029


On Wednesday, 20th March 2024, the General Election Commission (KPU) officially announced the victory of candidate pair number 2, comprising Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka, as the new President of Indonesia for the term 2024-2029. The Prabowo-Gibran duo secured 96,214,691 valid votes, representing 58.6% of the national vote.

“The total number of valid votes for presidential candidate pair Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka is 96,214,691,” stated Hasyim Asy’ari, Chairman of the Indonesian KPU, at the KPU Office in Jakarta on Wednesday (21/3).



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The official report from the General Election Commission (KPU) numbered 218/PL.01.08-BA/05/2024 revealed that Prabowo-Gibran emerged victorious in 36 out of 38 provinces across Indonesia in the 2024 presidential election. Here are the national results of the election:

  • Anies-Cak Imin: 40,971,906 votes
  • Prabowo-Gibran: 96,214,691 votes
  • Ganjar-Mahfud 27,040,878 votes

As per Regulation No. 3 of 2022 by the General Election Commission outlining the Stages and Schedule for the 2024 General Election, the inauguration ceremony for the new President and Vice President of Indonesia for the 2024-2029 term is scheduled for Sunday, 20th October 2024.

Here’s a breakdown of the votes garnered from the 2024 presidential election for the 2024-2029 period:

Province Anies-Muhaimin Prabowo-Gibran Ganjar-Mahfud
Yogyakarta 496.280 1.269.265 741.220
Gorontalo 227.354 504.662 41.508
Central Kalimantan 256.811 1.097.070 158.788
Bali 99.233 1.454.640 1.127.134
Bangka Belitung 204.348 529.883 151.109
West Kalimantan 718.641 1.964.183 534.450
South Sumatera 997.229 3.649.651 606.681
Lampung 791.892 3.556.310 764.486
Central Java 2.866.373 12.096.454 7.827.335
North Kalimantan 72.065 284.209 51.451
Jakarta 2.653.762 2.692.011 1.115.138
Riau Island 370.671 641.338 140.733
East Nusa Tenggara 153.446 1.798.753 958.505
Banten 2.451.383 4.035.052 720.275
South Kalimantan 849.948 1.407.684 159.950
East Kalimantan 448.046 1.542.346 240.143
East Java 4.492.652 16.716.603 4.434.805
Southeast Sulawesi 361.585 1.113.344 90.727
West Sulawesi 223.153 533.757 62.514
Riau 1.400.093 1.931.113 357.298
West Papua 37.459 172.965 120.565
Bengkulu 37.459 172.965 120.565
North Sulawesi 119.103 1.229.069 283.796
West Sumatera 1.744.042 1.217.314 124.044
South Sulawesi 2.003.081 3.010.726 265.948
Aceh 2.369.534 787.024 67.677
West Nusa Tenggara 850.539 2.154.843 241.106
South Papua 41.906 162.852 110.003
Jambi 532.605 1.438.952 234.251
North Sumatera 2.339.620 4.66-.408 999.528
North Maluku 200.459 454.943 91.293
Central Sulawesi 386.743 1.251.313 160.594
Central Papua 128.557 636.616 335.089
Southwest Papua 48.405 209.403 99.899
West Java 9.099.674 16.805.854 2.820.995
Maluku 228.557 665.371 186.395
Highland Papua 284.184 838.382 175.956
Papua 67.592 379.908 178.534

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Yuriz absolutely loves content writing and exploring the nitty-gritty of various topics. It all started by chance, but writing quickly became an essential part of her life! Plus, she is a huge K-pop fan, jamming out to it all day, every day!

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