business license in indonesia

Start Now! How To Get a Business License in Indonesia


As a country with various investment charms, Indonesia also opens many opportunities for foreigners to open a small business. This might be an option if you want to avoid setting up a big company and choosing to set up a small business while looking at the Indonesian market.

Small businesses refer to small-scale enterprises owned and operated by individuals or groups with few employees and relatively small capital. Some examples of small businesses include jewelry shops, event management, online pet stores, and local wellness services.

What are the benefits of starting a small business in Indonesia?

  • Flexibility. Small businesses provide greater flexibility in organizing work schedules and free time.
  • Quick adaptation. You can make decisions quickly without having to go through a complicated bureaucratic process. This allows you to adapt rapidly to market changes and business opportunities.
  • Networking. You can also build closer customer relationships and provide a more personalized experience.
  • Testing the market. In a small business, you can focus on smaller market segments and provide products or services tailored to the needs of those customers.
  • Low Operating Costs. You can manage your business from home or a small space, reducing rent and utility costs.
  • Easier control. You also have the potential to control expenses and make decisions that have a positive impact on profits.

Types of business licenses in Indonesia

Whether you’re required to get any type of license to run your business depends on where you live (and where your business is based) and what kind of goods and services you sell.

A business license is an important document in business matters as it proves that your business is a legitimate activity in the eyes of the law. It is important that you run your business in accordance with the regulations that apply in Indonesia.

When considering the legal structure of your company, the most suitable for foreign investment are as follows:

  • Representative Office: best for exploring business opportunities and has no financial reporting obligations. Can mainly conduct research and promotional or marketing activities.
  • PMA: PMA is a foreign investment company which consist of foreign investment. It is ideal for revenue-generating businesses and can be wholly or partially foreign-owned. There is a minimum capital requirement of IDR 10 billion with at least two shareholders. One director must be a foreigner while one director must be domiciled in Indonesia.

A local limited liability company (Perseroan Terbatas or PT) can be acquired and converted into a PT PMA. This speeds up the company establishment process but still requires Ministry approval and OSS registration. Any foreign workers working and living in Indonesia must also obtain a KITAS or work permit and a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).

Most companies can start their business activities after obtaining a NIB (Business Identification Number). However, companies with business activities in specialized sectors such as food, agriculture, etc. will require further permits and licenses.

How to easily obtain a business license in Indonesia

For foreigners, obtaining a business license in Indonesia can be very confusing. Regulation can be a nightmare as Indonesian laws are challenging, convoluted, and complex. To help make the business license process easier, use LetsMoveIndonesia.

business registration LMG

LetsMoveIndonesia is a leading market agency in Indonesia that offers solutions and services related to business licensing.

Some of the reasons why you should choose LetsMoveIndonesia are that it offers the most cost-effective services, is supported by experts, and has been proven to offer similar services to many foreigners in Indonesia.

You can also get a free 1-hour consultation if you are interested in trying LetsMoveIndonesia’s services.

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A writer fueled by passion, with a deep admiration for Taylor Swift’s artistry. You can find Imelda on the weekend in the joy of being a paw parent or curled up on the couch, engrossed in the latest sci-fi or mystery novel.

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