retirement visa indonesia

Here’s How to Get a Retirement Visa in Indonesia


Currently, there is a global trend, namely, the number of elderly population (elderly) is increasing. One of the needs of older people is safe and comfortable recreation and also the support of qualified health facilities.

According to the latest Global Age Watch Index report from HelpAge International, Indonesia is in the 71st position on the list of 100 senior-friendly countries.

The team from HelpAge International considered four aspects: income security, health facilities, personal capabilities, and whether or not the elderly can live in an environment that is considered ‘friendly’ to the elderly.

Indonesia still needs to catch up with its neighbors, Thailand (36), the Philippines (44), and Vietnam (45). But it is indisputable that some expats choose to live in Indonesia in their old age.

For expats from foreign country and want to spend their old age in Indonesia can register to get a retirement visa.

What is a Retirement Visa in Indonesia (KITAS)?

KITAS is a temporary stay permit card given to foreign nationals residing in Indonesia. This type of visa is valid for two years and can be extended. Every foreigner, including the retiree, is certainly obliged to have it when he wants to stay longer and does not enter Indonesia using a tourist visa.

In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia, No. M.04-IZ.01.02 of 1998 concerning the Granting of Visas and Immigration Permits for Foreign Elderly Tourists and the Annex to the Decree of the Director General of Immigration No. F. 492-UM.01.10, April 18, 2002.

It concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the Granting of Visas and Immigration Permits for Foreign Elderly Tourists granting Permission to foreign tourists who are at least 55 years old and wish to retire in Indonesia.

Requirements to Obtain a Retirement Visa Indonesia

retirement visa indonesia
Source: Philippe Leone on Unsplash

1. Minimum Age

Foreigners who want to take care of an elderly KITAS applicants must be at least 55 years old. If you are younger, even if it is only (one) 1 year, you have to take care of a regular KITAS, not the elderly. 

The age benchmark refers to the birth certificate. So bring this letter as well as a photocopy when you want to make an elderly KITAS.

2. Meet the Requirements

When following the procedure for applying for an elderly KITAS, foreigners must meet several requirements in addition to the minimum age. Foreigners must bring their passports and photocopies, which are still valid, for at least the next 1.5 years. In addition, foreigners must have valid life insurance. They must also have a letter of recommendation from the company and STM, SKPPS, and SKTT.

Foreigners who want to take care of a KITAS must also be able-bodied and will not transmit the disease in Indonesia. Although healthy, they are not allowed to work here anymore because they have entered retirement age. When taking care of this important card, foreign nationals must also bring a photo with a red background.

3. Cost

The cost to take care of a special KITAS for the elderly usually starts from 15 million rupiah, if through an agent. Actually, the amount of the fee also depends on the price set by the agent because there are those who set high prices in addition to getting an elderly KITAS, aka limited stay permit visa.

The procedure for applying for an elderly KITAS does require large costs and foreign nationals must bring complete documents. For example, passports and photocopies (which are still valid), police report certificates, and other documents. This rule must be obeyed so that foreigners can stay in Indonesia temporarily and even settle down by applying for a KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit).

How to Apply for a Retirement Visa – Application Documents

You can apply for a retirement visa program with the following requirements:

  • Complete identity of the applicant;
  • 4 x 6 cm photos with 4 (four) sheets;
  • A passport or travel letter valid for at least eighteen months, which can be extended at any time;
  • Not included in the category of foreigners whose presence is not desirable in Indonesia and or not included in the deterrence list;
  • A statement from a Pension Fund Institution or Bank from the country of origin or in Indonesia regarding the availability of a minimum fund of USD 1,500.00 per month to meet the needs of life while in Indonesia;
  • Health, death insurance, and legal liability insurance to third parties in the civil sector both in their home country and in Indonesia
  • Statement to stay in accommodation facilities available while in Indonesia based on the purchase of accommodation facilities at least USD 35,000.00 or rent per month:
  • financial requirements minimum USD 500.00 for DKI Jaya, Bandung, and Bali, and or
  • financial requirements minimum USD 300.00 for other cities in Java, Batam, and Medan, and or;
  • a minimum of USD 200.00 in addition to the cities mentioned in letters A and B;

Get Your Indonesian Retirement Visa!

Do you need to get a Retirement Visa or Retirement KITAS? Lets Move Indonesia makes it easier to do so and be your helper. With years of experience, they make your registration process smoother and easier.

Contact Lets Move Indonesia’s team in Jakarta or Bali to assist with your visa registration process.

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SEO Writer

Imelda is a content writer specializing in viral news and Indonesian culture. Her work revolves around researching and analyzing current events, social media trends, and popular culture.

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